Sunday, December 9, 2012


"A Fish on a Dish, Is That What You Wish?" (lyrics from The Incredible String Band) by Brandy Larson Aug 2012 Wish n. desire or longing for a specific thing inclination, petition, invoke (upon), entreat, expression (of desire) ME wisshen - OE wyscan "Be careful of what you wish for" Mom said, and "don't wish your life away." I think this is mainly said to children. "Your wish is my command" the genie said. "When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true" Jimminy Cricket said ("Pinocchio"). "If wishes were horses beggars would ride." Proverb "Dreams are wish fulfillment." Freud said. One can mistake wishes with reality - an example of wishful (magical?) thinking. And how about "wishy-washy?" What is a wish, really? For me it is a form of manifesting. Wishing has an element of intent. And intent has the power to make something happen. Children wish to grow up. Teenagers wish for romance. Young people might wish for glamor or fame. Middleagers wish for excitement, or maybe retirement? And elders might occasionally wish for youth! Full circle. Who has not wished on a star, wished for luck or wished for change? We've all wished for time to speed up - or to slow down. Or wished we'd done things differently? What have you wished for? I've mainly wished for romance, but not recently... Wishing has the flavor of hope and, if not angling directly toward happiness, at least hoping to perhaps gain help in some circumstance or other. Animals also must have wishes. I know my cat Aslan meows a certain way when night is coming and he wishes to be let out. Horses enclosed in a stall wish to run. Dogs in the house wish to get out. Foxes wish they could jump high enough to nibble at the tempting grapes. I guess there's no end to wishing. My wish for you? May all your wishes come true.

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